A blend of wild greens, kumquats and grapes with a dressing of blood orange juice, fresh grape juice and olive oil. Topped with a Pecorino crisp.
- 1 bowl of wild greens
- 3 dark red tomatoes
- 5 kumquats
- 1 organic blood orange
- 1 handful of dark grapes
- olive oil
- 50g Pecorino (or alternatively Parmesan)

Wash the greens. Cut the tomatoes, kumquats and half the grapes into slices, discard the seeds of the latter two. For the dressing, zest and juice the blood orange. Puree the remaining grapes and mix with the zest and juice and some salt and pepper. Add and mix in the olive oil.
For the Pecorino crisp grate the cheese. Then place it loosely on a baking sheet. Don’t form any heaps of cheese, although it should overlap here and there. Some of the parchment should shine through. If you’re making more than one, make sure to leave enough space between them. Then bake the cheese in the preheated oven at 180°C for about 10-15 minutes. The crisp should turn golden brown. Let them cool and harden. Then serve together with the salad.